The two worlds that absorb me most met in 1989. While travelling, the opportunity to put artwork on surfboards arose at the Hot Buttered surfboard factory in Auckland, N.Z. This was the beginning of my career in the surfboard industry. Thanks to Iain ‘Ratso’ Buchanan I was able to return to the Hot Buttered factory for the next couple of seasons and learn more techniques and styles for spraying surfboards.

From thriving at art in school, to a life spraying surfboards both in Cornwall (U.K) and overseas, I have been drawing, airbrushing, designing, cutting stencils, popping the lids off paint tins and soaking up many creative offerings throughout. For a long time surfing and travelling governed my spirit and I was never in one place long enough to produce artwork outside of surfboards to return my interest.

In 2005 serendipity led to an afternoon with a camera which turned to a zeal for photography and design that prompted my ninth visit to New Zealand. This time to attend a graphic design course and achieve a ‘Diploma with Merit’ plus a ‘Highly Commended in Design’ award from an industry panel.

With new skills I returned to Cornwall and set up Sleepless ink. It was an idea to corral my art, design and photography work, and help find a direction that allowed each pursuit to have a place under one name.

I now live in Cornwall and continue to surf, spray surfboards and occasionally travel. I look forward to continued enjoyment, development and producing the best artwork, photographs and prints I can.

Kevin Cooper